QHSE – Warum Sicherheit wichtig ist
16.04.2020 NeuigkeitenJedes Jahr verlieren Betriebe Stunden wertvoller Produktionszeit durch Vorfälle, an denen Menschen, Maschinen oder die Umwelt beteiligt sind. Hinzu kommen die vielen Stunden, die damit verbracht werden, sich mit mangelnder Compliance auseinanderzusetzen. That is why Haarslev have established high standards of quality, health, safety and environmental management. When you work with Haarslev on installation, commissioning or service projects we can provide not only a healthier and safer operation, but also significantly higher yields.
At Haarslev, we offer an integrated QHSE approach unlike any other:
• Dedicated Global QHSE personnel on all Haarslev locations
• IOSH certified health and safety training programme
• Sub-supplier audit programmes to ensure consistently high standards
• Risk assessments and safe systems of work
• Risk control measures
• Robust safety policies and procedures
• Standortinspektionen
• Continuous measuring of performance and continual quality improvement
Get started
If you want to know more and find the right way to your operations, you can contact one of our experts or you can read more in the pdf below.